About the Department

About the Department

تاریخ انتشار : Publish : نسخه قابل چاپ Print

About the Department


In view of the deep and extended role of political thought and its supporting branches, including political philosophy, in Islamic culture and civilization and its great impact on growth and guidance of the society towards integrity, and regulation and organization of societal and individual affairs, and particularly considering the political role of the Great Leader of the Islamic Revolution, Imam Khomeini, in the public's amazing tendency toward political affairs of the Islamic government and deliverance from internal dictatorship and foreign dominion and establishment of the Islamic Republic in Iran; also bearing in mind the necessity in Islam for recognition of political insights and particularly those of the Holy Book, Sunna, insights of philosophers and intellectuals and Islamic jurisconsults for helping to meet the requirements of research and study of the country and training scholarly and efficient human resources in this field, M.A course in the field of Political Thought in Islam is to be established with the following purposes and according to this plan and by following the guidelines of the Ministry of Culture and Higher Education concerning universities and centers for higher education and research. 

Current status of the Department of Political Sciences:

The department of Political Sciences officially started its activities in 2007 with 2 full-time faculty members and by admitting 31 students in the field of Political Sciences. In 2011, one of the faculty members was transferred and a replacement was made and in 2012 the third faculty member joined the department. In 2013 two more faculty members joined the faculty and currently a total of 5 full-time faculty members are active in the department. In 2012, subfield of Political Thought in Islam was established at M.A level and at present this department offers courses at B.A level as well as M.A course in Political Thought in Islam.